continuous double-piston screen changer
The continual double-piston screen changer with backflush system fully automatically cleans both the screen packages that sit inside the piston each defined maximum pressure on the screens continues to be reached. The special backflush addon prevents the movement of the screen piston and respective damage. A piston inside the backflush add-on diverts the pad flow, to ensure merely one screen support piston is passed through toward flow. The screen package in the second screen support piston has become flowed through from the cleaned melt inside a direction opposite of the traditional direction of flow. On account of the favorable channel geometry, dirt particles found on the screen package are detached efficiently and removed just little melt with the backflush add-on. The operation is then performed within an analogous fashion on the other instrument screen package.

Continuous screen changers depend on the proven dual bolt principal. The integrated backflush feature cleans each filtration screen pack when a predetermined level of contamination is reached. This feature raises the time of filtration screen packs significantly, thus reducing overall operational costs.